Romania pentru un american – #roundtripromania

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La inceputul lunii iulie am avut placerea sa ii ofer un Constanta Free Tour unui american, intamplator este si blogger, dar ideea e ca este un om de pe un alt continent care vedea pentru prima data Romania. 
Si a facut un tur de forta de 14 zile si 3000 de km, pe care il puteti urmari dupa hashtag #roudtripromania – blog, Facebook, Instagram. Cu masina, cu multe sensuri giratorii, cu barca, cu tantari, cu palinca, cu castele, cu biserici 🙂
Se pare ca i-a placut mult. Tot 🙂
Si nu pot sa nu ma laud si sa nu imi creasca pipota de cat de frumos a scris despre mine. Citeam dimineata in autobuz si zambeam cu gura pana la urechi:
“We then drove to the center of Constanta and took an amazing walking tour with a wonderful guide (Diana Slav) who somehow had heard about our trip and offered to show us the city.
She was incredibly informative and it impressed me greatly that the young people of Romania were so passionate and proud of their cities that they would effectively volunteer their time simply to share their love of their city with foreigners. A highlight of the tour was ascending the 140 step tower and overlooking the entire city and commercial port.”
(este vorba de Moscheea Carol din Piata Ovidiu).

Following the tour we shared Mojitos on a roof-top terrace on top of a popular hotel and watched the clouds roll in from the sea as the sun was setting: multu frumossa!” 🙂 Le-am recomandat sa mearga la Sky View Bar pentru o priveliste frumoasa peste Mamaia. Aici aveti un album facut de mine cu apus de soare la inaltime.

“The next morning we relaxed some more, and sought out a fun park (Holiday Village), which in hindsight probably could have been avoided and replaced with a little more time on the beach. We jokingly renamed it “Park No Fun”. In fairness, the bumper cars were actually fun, and the miniature horse ride made for some entertainment until the gypsies attempted to extort extra money from us.” Asta este Satul de Vacanta, vi l-am recomandat si eu la “de evitat” din punctul meu de vedere.

Dar merita citit tot jurnalul de calatorie asa cum l-a facut / vazut el, apoi pe zile asa cum le-a postat Loredana si cele 10 concluzii ale Loredanei care sunt chiar foarte bine punctate.

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